FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

What is a WISP?

A wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP), provides subscribers with connectivity to the Internet at designated hotspots (access points) using a wireless connection such as Wi-Fi. This type of ISP offers broadband services and allows subscriber mobile enabled services, called stations, to access the Internet from anywhere within the limits of the deployment coverage.

10Levels WISP Integration Solution

10Levels solution is a scalable system that delivers IP/broadband-based, data voice and video services over a highly secure and reliable wireless network, to subscribers using wireless mobile enabled devices. It supports both point-to-point and point to multipoint connections at various ranges. Integrating a turnkey WISP solution requires connecting many components and sub-systems to create a complete system. Usually, the integration process is painful, and potentially a time and resource consuming activity. 10Levels has already accomplished full integration while designing, installing and testing the system, thus saving you time, resources and effort. 10Levels equips WISPs with the technology and management services required to build out commercially successful broadband networks anywhere in the world. 10Levels enables broadband operators to concentrate on the commercial aspects of their business not on the technology - by removing the high end IT costs and expert knowledge base required in order to build, expand, and maintain broadband networks. 10Levels provides the core network and back office functions and services for the broadband operator through its WISP platform. Optional services, components and add-ons are available along with flexible customizable configuration options, to meet a wide variety of different needs. 10Levels WISP solution, based on IP technology, offers a reliable, rapidly deployed, scalable and affordable turnkey solution for areas that need both wireless and wire broadband access services. The solution features, robust access systems, customer care, VoIP class-5, video streaming and powerful billing capabilities designed specifically for WISPs.

Resources: Brochure - Technical Overview - Case Study

Presentations: WiFi Surveillance -

Key Benefits:
  • Rapid deployment
  • Instant service activation for subscribers
  • Provides Quadruple Play services, voice, data and video over wireless broadband
  • Offers lower maintenance and operational costs
  • Universal combined support for all your wireless services
  • Adaptability - activate any service, at any time, in any place
  • Proven success - thousand of subscribers connect to 10Levels systems worldwide.

Bundle of Services

WISP Turnkey solution featuring NOC, Security, Remote Access, Billing and Databases, Customer Care and Tripple-Play IPTV and VoIP

General Network Diagram

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